The 7 Key Mastermind Skills

The Seven Key Mastermind Skills

What to Bring to Your Group

We naturally gravitate towards successful people. It’s innate to us.  We love successful people even the low-grade celebrities we outwardly hate yet still fixate over. What most of them have—whether real or just a public persona—is ENERGY. Whenever you see them, they are ON! And this is the number one skill they use to attract us to their brand (which is essentially them). So, when you join a Mastermind, you need to focus on the seven key Mastermind skills to attract the right kind of participants.

People tend to gravitate to the most friendly, happy, outgoing people in the room.  For most of us, this does not come naturally, but like any other skill, we can work at it and make some improvements. Bringing these qualities to your group requires more than just one skill, but rather a toolbox full of attributes.


They want to see you get excited about something. They want to feel the excitement in your voice, the energy with which you talk about your ideas and goals. To see that you love what you do and that you have an appetite for life itself. Your excitement – It’s not quite the same as a passion, but they do go hand in hand. Smiling, laughing, enthusiastic. Do I need to go on? Quantum physics states that we are nothing but balls of energy and you are either giving out energy or taking it in. Which one are you?

Frustration (Within moderation)

Sharing your frustrations is okay. It shows that you are emotionally invested in what you do, which gives people an added layer of opt-in for helping you succeed.


Your Tribe wants to see that you can voice your opinion and get involved, either on one side or another. A real mastermind group allows people to go deeper with conflicting advice, alternative suggestions and diametrically opposite opinions from those already expressed. However, you do have to be aware that a certain level of trust needs to be established before this can happen.


Show people what you are good at within your field or niche. Don’t worry if you don’t classify yourself as an an expert. It’s not always a good thing.


Regular commitment is the key to any Mastermind group. Your Tribe wants to know that you will be there for them and follow through with your promises (Commitment). Without regular participation, you won’t receive the maximum benefit from the sessions. It’s one of the critical skills you need to possess, and it’s a habit worth cultivating.

Helping Others

Business is all about helping solve someone else’s problem at a price they are willing to pay—this is what most of us are doing all day. However, in a mastermind group, you won’t be charging for your ideas or problem-solving skills, but instead, provide them for free. Why? Because you’re creating a bond and a community that is worth more than just trading your time for money.


Make a conscious effort to raise your energy level to match the group. On the flip side, if you are naturally outgoing and bubbly, the group should begin to rise to your level. People enjoy watching others smiling, laughing or sharing their information in an upbeat and energetic way. If you feel there is a lack of energy in your group, try and think of something that will improve it.

When I was backpacking around the world, I was on a bus tour of the South Island in New Zealand. As a consequence for anyone delaying the bus, the bus tour had a rule that the last person on the bus had to tell a joke or sing a song. Everyone got on board with the concept (and the bus), and it quickly created a bond and broke down barriers.

If you are already in a Mastermind group, consider trying out a rule like this for your next session.


How many of these Seven Key Skills to Bring to Your Mastermind Group do you possess? Try and work on these key elements one at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be THE person with whom people want to connect.